Pickleball Brackets Software, Tournament, League, Club, Ratings
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USAPA UTPR Packaged Data
Downloadable for FREE from PickleballBrackets.com!
ONLY tournament directors have access to packaged files from the reporting module. Tournaments flagged for USAPA UTPRs prior to registration opening will have access to the files. This order of operation is in place due to the requirement of player acknowledging a waiver that their results and information will be sent to USAPA and USAPA partners for UTPR calculations.
pickleball_infographic After tou r nament is completed go to Pi c kl e ballB r a c k ets repo r ts modul e . T OURNAMENT STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 4 STEP 3 Go to USA P A UTPR pa r tner upload pa g e to upload pa c ka g ed data. USA P A UTPR D o wnload pa c ka g ed results in the USA P A specified f o r mat f or fre e . D O WN L O AD D A T A P r ocess data files pa c ka g ed b y Pi c kl e ballB r a c k ets application. UP L O AD D A T A WWW
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